Tulpoids caught on film
and Mind Creations..
There are inter-dimensional entities all around us that we do not see with or
physical eye. But our energies can
attract them to us and we can
photograph them.
Extra-dimensional Worlds -Multi-Dimensional Worlds- Intra-dimensional Travel -Time and Space Travel
Although we can detect only about 100 octaves of electromagnetic radiation, ranging from radio waves through visible light to x-rays and gamma rays, the electromagnetic spectrum covers an infinite range of frequencies or at least we have no reason to believe otherwise.
An important property of electromagnetic energy is that waves of sufficiently different frequencies do not interfere or interact.
If matter is condensed energy, it seems reasonable to suppose that the infinite spectrum of energy gives rise to infinite grades of matter, and that grades of matter of sufficiently differing densities or rates of vibration can pass through one another without noticeably interacting.
From this point of view, our physical universe could be just one octave in an infinite spectrum of matter-energy, and be interpenetrated by innumerable other worlds, both denser and more ethereal than our own, but beyond our range of perception.
The concept of worlds within worlds is therefore thoroughly plausible if we pursue some of the basic concepts of science to their logical conclusion.
According to Quantum Physics, whenever an event takes place or a decision is made in which there's a choice of possibilities, the universe splits, without anybody noticing, so that every possibility is realized but in different universes.
In the following photo a decision of Jolene's to smoke a cigarette or not creates two separate worlds - one world of which she is smoking a cigarette and another world where she isn't.
This means that an infinity of new universes are generated every instant. We ourselves supposedly exist in countless different universes, doing different things, and thinking different thoughts. This particular brain of ours is only aware of one of these universes -- this one. However the camera isn't limited to our brain functions thus captures more than what we
comprehend .
Another photo I can use as an example of worlds splitting into separate realities is in the following.
Jolene wanted to take a photo of some energy she was feeling in a house we were investigating at Bohners Lake.
In our reality she wasn't able to get her camera to snap the shot. But as she was making an attempt to capture the energy, I also shot my camera . As we uploaded the photo of her in the vortex area, we realized not only did I capture the photo of the reality she was in , where she did not shoot the camera - but another reality where she was taking the picture with the
We're continuously bathed by a sea of electromagnetic energies of every conceivable frequency. An important property of this energy is that waves of sufficiently different frequencies can pass through one another without interfering. If they did interfere, the world around us would appear as a complete blur such as you see below.
Inner worlds and their inhabitants
If there really are worlds within worlds, a natural question is whether they might be inhabited. Since visible light -- which simply means light that is visible to us -- covers only one octave of the infinite electromagnetic spectrum, could there be entities dwelling in other parts of the spectrum which are normally invisible to us?
There is in fact strong evidence that such entities exist. It all began with the perfecting of radar during the second world war. Radar works by emitting bursts of microwaves which are reflected back by whatever gets in their way. Microwaves lie between radio waves and infrared radiation, and infrared lies just beyond the red part of the visible spectrum. During the war
radar was used to detect enemy aircraft and ships before they became visible to the eye. And it was a great success. But something rather embarrassing started to happen. Objects
were detected by radar which remained invisible even when they were so close that they should have been visible to the naked eye.
Case in point is the UFO that was taken off Mormon Road. Being that it was so close and taking off just as the photographer pulled up in her car it should have been visible. However, it was not - but did show up on the digital camera when we uploaded the camera onto my computer.
Another great photo to demonstrate this is when I took a photo of Jolene at known 'intra-dimensional portal'
See the brilliant light behind Jolene below. This light was coming from another reality within ours...as there was no lights back there in the area of where we took the photo. This light was so bright and brilliant we should all have seen it - however no one did - until we again uploaded the photo off the digital camera on to my computer.
A pioneering researcher in this field is Trevor Constable, a well-known aviation historian. He discovered that by using an ordinary camera and infrared film, all sorts of invisible objects could be photographed in the sky. He believes that some of them are intelligently designed and controlled craft, but others, he says, have all the hallmarks of living creatures; many look
like giant pulsating unicellular organisms or amoebas. The existence of these plasmatic life forms has been independently verified by researchers in Europe and the United States. It
seems that under certain conditions some of these creatures can alter their density and become physically visible and tangible. Constable discusses many sightings and includes many
photos in his book The Cosmic Pulse of Life .
An example of this can found in a photo Jolene took of myself, Mary Sutherland at Boehners Lake.
tulpoid on her cheek. Tulpoid is a scorpion.
Two successful applications of kindling turns thought into an electromagnetic field.
Three successful applications of kindling turns thought into a materialized object (living and breathing biological being) And a materialized living being will be just as real and physical and functional as any other person or thing on this earth!
The Tulpoid Serpent that has manifested in the woods.
Possibly a manifestation to create knowledge being that serpent represent knowledge?
Guardians of the Portals
There are many people who we know to be the Guardians of the New Energy -
The Gate Keepers . These are people
who form the nucleus and nurture a
particular vortex of energy. These people
often travel to other places to help in the
opening of new vortexes or who visit an
established vortex to return home and
strengthen the energy of their own portal.
There is a view that we live in a 3 dimensional infinite volume universe that is one of an infinite
number of infinite volume universes that live in
an infinite volume 4 dimensional hyperspace.
If these 3D universes are all in [random] motion, relative to one another, and in motion relative to
the 4D hyper-volume, we can have the situation
where these 3D universes may interpenetrate or
overlap on certain occasions for certain
durations. Several 3D universes can occupy the
same hyper-volume without being unduly
effected. But, topological forces can also arise
due to this "hyper-motion", which can have real
and physical effects in observations of our world.
There are studies related to the above description which are given in terms of membrane
theory, non-compactified N-dimensional
Kaluza-Klein spaces, and Quaternionic spaces. In the situation where there are
hyper-dimensional overlapping of one or more 3D
universes, these overlapping may be of finite
area and last for some finite time. These
overlapping could allow, on occasion, for
materials and entities from the inter-involved 3D
universes to "feed-through" into other 3D
universes. It is quite possible that these various
3D universes may have variations from physical
laws as we know them. Such variations might be
small and unimportant, or these variations could
be wild and extreme.
Given these events of inter-universal interpenetrations of universes in relative random
motion, these overlapping events may occupy
certain areas or volumes, at indeterminate times,
for indeterminate durations, due to the
unpredictability of the relative hyper-motions of
the infinite number of 3D universes in the
hyper-volume. These might be discernible as 2D
planes of intersection, which might take on the
appearance of rectilinear formations, thus, the
label "doors" or "windows" might be used to
describe them. It is even conceivable that higher
dimensional spaces than the 4D space might have
interactions and overlapping, as well. We might
then call such phenomena, if it became visible,
"dimensional doorways", if it were also the case
that substances and entities could actually pass
through these overlapping into our world, or
that entities here could pass to there (wherever
"there" might be).
Now, the point of all this, is that there are such "dimension doors". The majority of these are
ephemeral, lasting small fractions of a second.
But there also exist more permanent
overlapping, which appear to reside in one
particular spot year after year. Such locations can
be found globally.
It is conceivable, that a human being might be able to pass into these "doorways" and end up in
quite a different universe. At issue, is the return
path. Because of the ephemeral nature of such
doorways, the trip might become a one-way
affair, into who knows what?
There have been many unusual and unexplainable events over the world, throughout time, which
can be accounted for by the acceptance of such
a view as "dimension doors".
R. N. Boyd
Yes, indeed, isn't it. I can vouch for all of these, since I have had some of those experiences.
Yes, I have heard about all of that, and how they can be confused with UFOs, however, UFOs stand for unidentified flying objects, and orbs are that, for sure...
But what we are talking about here is much more than orbs. is the inability of seeing things that have a different frequency for most people, while others, like me, can see things that belong to frequencies other than my physical body.
But there are also things that can be photographed as well, that should not be visible in this dimension.
I not only can see in this dimension, but on others, as well, but since I am not a photographer it has never occurred to me to take pictures of what I see, and I am sure do not belong to this dimension.
But obviously, it can be done, and there are some proves of it.
See what I mean?
Yes, these things are happening continually and we do not even dare to speak about it, because most people either do not experience them or they do it and rationalized them as something else, of are afraid to talk about it, or even worse if you do, they laugh at you and call you liars.
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