
Tai Chi and Qigong

China's 3000 year old system of self healing

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Seated tai chi for seniors improves health

Started by Mystic Wolf Jan 17, 2020. 0 Replies

Seated tai chi for seniors improves health…Continue

I Know Nothing

Started by Zephonith Serpent Woman. Last reply by Zephonith Serpent Woman Nov 20, 2018. 4 Replies

"The Master allows things to happen.She shapes events as they come.She steps out of the way,and lets the Tao speak for itself.There is no greater illusionthan fear,no greater wrong in preparingto…Continue

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Comment by Mystic Wolf on January 17, 2020 at 8:54pm

Over time in Taoist meditation, the inner and outer dissolving practices are combined, so that as you dissolve inward–either sequentially or simultaneously–you also dissolve outward toward the cosmos. Eventually, this process allows your mind to stabilize in the middle ground, the home of consciousness where inner and outer and that which is neither and both, exist.

Relationship between the Mind and a Blockage

In the dissolving process, how does your mind contact and then dissolve the tension or blockage in your body, regardless of the denseness or subtlety of that blockage? In other words, how can you deliberately contact, become aware of and feel the blockages in your body with your mind only? People with normal nerves will feel pain if you hit them forcefully in a sensitive body part. Sometime later, however, they will feel the “blockages” inside their body as a throbbing pain.

Likewise, a person can be erotically stimulated in a sensitive spot and feel pleasure. In strong emotional situations, such as falling in love, experiencing the death of someone close or being frustrated with situations beyond your control, you can consciously feel your emotions – positive or negative.

With a little bit of concentrated “mind effort,” you can increase, decrease or mitigate your physical pain, pleasure or emotions. In other words, you can feel what happens inside you with your mind.

In externally induced situations, such as those just described, your whole mind concentrates instead of being diffused. All your attention is drawn to the “object” at hand: be it pain, pleasure or emotion. The totality of your awareness, “the subjective observer,” is directed at this object.

All this requires that the mind be focused, not scattered or distracted.

Comment by Mystic Wolf on January 17, 2020 at 8:54pm

The phrase used to describe the outer dissolving process has for millennia been “ice to water, water to gas.” “Ice” refers to the blocked, congealed energy; “water” refers to the accepting and relaxing of your internal blockage until it no longer causes you tension; while “gas” refers to the complete release of all the original bound energy moving away from your physical body. If not completely released, the energy may revert to ice.

Inner Dissolving Process

In contrast, the phrase used for the inner dissolving process of the Water method is “ice to water, water to space,” where “space” means the vast internal space that exists inside the body, that space being as infinite as the universe.

In the ice-to-water phase of outer dissolving (also used in qigong, Bagua, and tai chi), the solid, completely bound and condensed energetic shape (ice) is released until it relaxes and reaches the surface of your skin (water).

In the inner dissolving process, your bound energy is also released at the point of the blockage until it becomes relaxed, soft and amorphous (water). Water, however, contains the inherent capacity to re-condense to ice.

Releasing Blocked Energy

Your “liquid” energy can now move in two different directions:

1) In the outer dissolving process, also used in standing qigong, you release your blocked chi from your skin, to outside your physical body, and then to the edge of your chi/etheric body, or even beyond (water to gas). The previously condensed energy is now neutral, unblocked and shapeless.

2) When you move into the water-to-space phase of the inner dissolving process, you release all blocked content of your felt sensations by imploding your energy into the inner space that your previously condensed, blocked energy-shape occupied, thereby converting your blocked energy into consciousness without content (a stage of emptiness).

In the early phases of the sitting mode of meditation, it is important that as you dissolve a blockage you release its energy inward deeper into your internal space (that is, consciousness). The Taoist position is that there is as much internal space inside you as there is space in the whole external universe.


Comment by Mystic Wolf on January 17, 2020 at 8:54pm

Agendas and Your Internal Organs

When you start thinking about a particular emotion, rub or press against the corresponding organ to help make you aware of the ways in which emotions can also be a bodily experience:

  • Fear is linked to the kidneys
  • Anger is linked to the liver
  • Grief is linked to the lungs
  • Anxiety is linked to the heart

Sit down and think about your agenda for 5-10 minutes before you start meditating. Think about why you hold on to this issue. After 10 minutes, let your mind completely relax. Let everything go out of your mind and just sit there and wait. At some point, you will get a very light sense of the emotions associated with your agenda, or at least some sense of stirring inside.

Start from the top of your head and dissolve down to the bottom of your belly. As you continue dissolving down from the top of your head, you are always feeling for the energy behind whatever comes into your awareness. Thoughts will come into your awareness and you will start talking to yourself.

It’s very important that you don’t try to edit your thoughts. Stay with the energy behind them.

Suddenly you can find yourself going into an entirely different space of your inner world than where you have ever been before. Let whatever thoughts, whatever conversations you are having in your head-the monkey mind jumping from tree to tree-come up, but keep aware of the energy behind these conversations.

Keep dissolving and staying focused on the energy behind what you are feeling.

Some agendas for consideration:

  • Greed
  • Fear
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Forgiveness
  • Anxiety
  • Pain–whether physical, emotional or mental

The 10,000 Agendas are an entire body of knowledge. You can find more information about this in our Tao of Letting Go audio program.

The Taoist Inner Dissolving Process

All the meditation practices of the Taoist Water method involve dissolving and resolving the bound blockages of your first six energy bodies until you become internally free.

Both the outer and inner dissolving processes begin when you consciously use your awareness to focus your mind on any specific, condensed energy shape or pattern within yourself. You then dissipate that shape until it no longer obstructs your mind, body or spirit in any way.

Comment by Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland on February 5, 2019 at 7:00pm

Yes, I believe they are as real as real as our lives are, which may not be so real, either, after all!

Comment by Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland on February 5, 2019 at 12:51pm

Dreams some times are very puzzling, but I found out that some of my childhood dreams (and also nightmares) had a basis in other lifetimes, which I remembered much later on...

You can share them and listen to people's opinions, but in the end, they are your own experiences and you have t realize that you are having them, and always did, but did not remember them as vividly.

I do believe in parallel Universes, and what we think we are dreaming is also happening, elsewhere...

Comment by Zephonith Serpent Woman on February 3, 2019 at 6:48am

Ah, it's all balls to me ;)

Comment by Zephonith Serpent Woman on January 14, 2019 at 6:10am

Comment by Zephonith Serpent Woman on January 14, 2019 at 6:07am

Comment by Zephonith Serpent Woman on January 14, 2019 at 6:06am

Comment by Carmen Elsa Irarragorri Wyland on January 10, 2019 at 4:44pm

I had classes on this and is a great thing.

I loved it.

I had them together with Chi Gong, which is also a fantastic thing.


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