The Dance of Jacomo Frostus

Twas the end of year when nights grow dark
And stars twinkle in midnight sky.
The earth was asleep and trees leaflessly slumbered,
Under the hedges sheltered small creatures and birds
While hedgehogs snuffled and dormice dreampt.

Softly it fell without fuss or trumpet,
Covering the ground with soft white blanket.
Stifling the sounds into still and quiet,
Laying on branches weighing them down,
Turning all the world white and brown.

‘Tis then that he comes all a twinkle and shine,
With shining toes and dazzling clothes,
With an icicle dripping from his nose.
Unseen and unheard pirouetting and pose,
Leaping and bowing until all is froze.

Creatures shiver and hold close
As star like, snow glistens and glows
But by mornings light and winter dawn,
He has passed by and gone,
Leaving only, the sound of twinkling toes.

Andrew Provan McIntyre                            4/12/09.

Views: 285

Replies to This Discussion

love this...your way with words are so artistic...u should post more of these here : )

Thank you michael for your kind words....I may do just that post more on here.Again thanks.

thank you for the kind words emilli.

A Winter Tale.

Tis the tail of  the year
when the earth lies in slumber
and the ground is cold and forbidding.
Leaves have fallen and left
the trees naked and bare.
with skeletal branches
scratching at the sky
in vain and desolation.
Animals have curled up
and entered a slumber
of peace and isolation
no need for food
or water to bathe in
Under the hedgerow
others still scrabble
pecking and boring
at the lifeless ground.
Berries exist on some
shrubs and flowers
past their summer splendour
and into winters hard grip
Grey clouds of unforgiving nature
lazily wander amid sun yellowing grey
watching and waiting
for his arrival..................................
Fire is a crackling
smoke rising to the roof
to dissipate into the air.
Huddled round to warm our toes
and keep icicles from our nose.
A is still all is quiet
as snow begins to lazily fall.
The land is covered with
snow white blanket
from smallest grass
to fir tree tall.
Deep within the forest
something begins to stir,
an air of expectation
grips at our senses
and hair stands on end.
it moves ever closer
our nerves at breaking point
whatever can it be
lurking there in the
dark of forest tree?....
From the depth of misty snowy
fir trees skeletal branches shivered
as if from some spectral plain
stood a giant stag that snorted
white he was from antler tip
down to his little white tail
impressive he was, proud and free
the king of stags,come to me.
Beside him their came a stirring
shaking snowflakes from his beard
an old man appeared with twinkling
in his eyes and snow on his head
He stood tall and straight
dressed in white fur and leather
and by his side attached to his belt
hung an axe fashioned from
finest and sharpest metal.
With intake of breath we pulled
closer to our fire
as if that would protect
us from his obvious ire.
As we sat rooted with fear
with a smile and nod
they soon disappeared
our breath we exhaled
into clouds in the air
A gift we were given
no others had seen
and cherished forever
in hearts and our mind.

Andrew .P.McIntyre.

i can visualize everything you wrote as if i am there... : )


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