Black Feather

A Black feather landed delicately on my cheek
An invocating caress from my Loved One
Awakening to see an empty nearby space
Bloody Soul Tears reached the eyes

A troubled vision revealed a Flying Form
Looking down on my Shadow Self
With a Love glance warming my Soul
Whipping the Salty River in a Breath

What is it Angel? Why did you come to Me?
The Celestial Being Floated Down Slowly
In a Flip of the Magnificent Wings sat next to Me
Extending Them to Include Me in Their Shadow

I came to Deliver You Beloved One
You wandered this Realm for to long
Your Soul is Breaking , The Fallens are Calling
Your Return Your Place among Us is Longing

Our Souls reconnected Together
Remembering Myriads of Souvenirs
Infinite Comprehension Reemerging
Secrets Lost For Ages once again Known

Ebony Wings exhorted themselves from the back of my Shoulders
Stretching to their Full Length for My Ecstasy
The New Reformed Eyes could see what Was, Is and Will Be
The Soul could Feel again the Inter Temporal Multiverses

The Brethren Ring was Completed Again
Interconnected Beings Sharing Again At Last
My Self could feel their Joy
They couldn’t Bear My Sorrow

The Angel Looked at Me
The Depth of Eternity in Our Eyes
Absorbing the Secrets of My Soul
And He Knew He Was To Late

I am Anchored to This Realm
For in it is My Eternal Love
The Cause of My Fall Ever Wandering Since
The One I am Chained For

The Dark Wings Folded Back in Place
I could Feel My Soul Falling Again
And the Agony Of Pain
Filling My Heart Human Again

As He Departed, I Felt
The Despair and Envy of The Angel
For What I Feel Is Unknown
To The Brethren of DarkHood

But I Know that One Day
I will Find Her in the Chasm
I Will Surrender My Black Wings To Her
To Finish in Peace at Her Side

But For Now, all I Have is a Black Feather
A Testimony to My Sorrow
A Hold Upon A Dream
A Relic Of Doom


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