Dear All,


Three years ago I came looking for a spiritual based site where I could kick off my shoes and simply enjoy myself. I joined a few different communities, but had a difficult time finding anything that truly interested me. Then, I found this one. The colors and general atmosphere immediately pulled me in; it felt good here. Most everyone was openly sharing in an optimistic authentic way and because of that, I felt at home. I am admittedly the type that needs to feel comfortable in order to fully immerse myself into any community, but I suppose a lot of us are like that in one way or another. Luckily, I found the warmth I desired here.  


Throughout the years, I have been here off and on. I do believe all of us go through periods where we need to embrace some level of reclusive behavior, but no matter the circumstances, this site always pulls me back in. It’s a different type of site. It’s a place where all belief systems are genuinely welcomed and a place where everyone is encouraged to simply be true to themselves.




Back in 2011, Leila planted the seeds and began the process of cultivating a community unlike any other. Since then, the harvest of information here has grown by leaps and bounds and I strongly believe we will continue to achieve more and more growth. I am truly honored to take the reins and help to ensure the continued pursuit of a dream I very much believe in. While I won’t get into my beliefs specifically, I strongly feel everyone needs a place where they feel welcomed. Everyone deserves an opportunity to share a piece of their heart and participate in compelling discussions that ultimately helps us all achieve new levels of growth.


This is a community that is truly co-created by its membership. Without everyone here we would not be where we are today. I thank all of you for that. I also thank you for your continued patience as we went through this recent transition. This change shows us that no matter how dire the circumstances may seem at times, things always work out in the end so long as we keep our eyes fixated on the goal. I am ecstatic that we will continue to prosper here.


I am also incredibly grateful to already have a team full of talented and experienced administrators in place to work side by side with. Not only do these folks handle the day to day operations of this site, they also have a passion for its continued evolution and are willing to expend countless hours of their own personal time to ensure we move forward. That says a lot about who they are and I wouldn’t want it any other way. This site would not function without them. So to Raib, Kyst, Vlada, Janet, Debbie, and Linda – thank you for all that you do here.


Furthermore, I would like to express gratitude for our Chat Team Moderators. This is not an easy task at times; however, these individuals are excellent at maintaining harmony in that area of our site. To Kallica, Emerald, Earthwolf, and Soulfish – thank you for your continued support and assistance. It’s appreciated.




Moving forward, we do not plan on making any radical changes to this site anytime soon. While we will be working behind the scenes on some big ticket items that will affect us mid to late next year, for the sake of now, we simply hope to inspire some new activity. We have over seven thousand members, so come on in, share your knowledge, share your stories, share your passions and feel free to talk about your personal life experiences. In other words, be who you are and express your own unique individuality whenever you walk through these Temple doors. We very much stand behind our belief in freedom from judgment, so your contributions are both welcomed and appreciated.


Lastly, I would like to express a heartfelt thanks to Leila for this opportunity. She built something magnificent here and as mentioned before, I do truly look forward to nurturing this dream. I learned a lot from her simply by observing how she handled various situations and it literally changed the way I see things. There are no words to express my true appreciation for her. Thank you Leila for everything you have done.



I do look forward to getting to know all of you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any of our administrative team members. We are always here to help.


Kindest Regards and Blessings to All,



Temple Owner



Photo courtesy of Raib

Views: 1506

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I love this site! I don't get on as often as I would like, but I love the various discussions and groups and learn a lot just by reading the posts of others, and occasionally posting something myself. Thanks for everything.

Thank you! It's nice to know the Temple in good hands.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone again for all the kind comments and support. Your responses really help to increase the positive feelings here.

Where is this site at I would love to contribute!

Hi Vickki you are on the site and at the top of the page are links to the different pages and forums.  I'm including a link to the forums you can browse through and see where you might like to contribute.

Or if you are referring to contributing to support the site financially you can do that using the Donate button in the left column (about half way down the page.  Hope this helps.


Thanks, Carmen!

Vikki - You are more than welcome to contribute in any area that resonates with you. Check out our "groups" as well. You'll find several different topics of interest there.

You look awesome.This site looks great!

My attraction to this site was it's universal acceptance of all beliefs. It's easy to see that outside of economic disparity, most of the trouble in this world is caused by all forms of religious and philosophical absolutism. The most important mission of this site, to me, would be that all spiritual views would be treated as equal, worthy of honor, and that the only restriction would be in viewpoints that insist that truth is absolute, rather than flexible within belief structures. Including mine :)

To me this site has also become a place where I can hide and be the true me without any one telling me what I can or can not do. It doesn't take a brain to be polite to anyone, and to share the knowledge I have learned in my many years I have walk on this planet earth. Bryan, I thank you for letting me be me.

No need to thank me :) I love it when people come on here and simply remain true to self. There's no better way to be.

Love you too Trina.♥

It is a pleasure to be a member of  this very beautiful exquisite unique side...i've been invited by a very dear friend of mine and enjoy myself reading, so many awesome discussion much impotant info...welllllll whenever sparetime alows...must get going...enjoy your weekend... much love and thank you from across the many miles. ..keep safe! 


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