Does anyone have a magic spell that will help me sleep all night rather than wake up at 2.30am??


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Hi John. I think before you work out a cure you need to look at possible causes. Think back to when the problem first started. Did you have any changes in your life taking place around that time such as moving house, divorce or changing jobs?
Did you have any medical troubles diagnosed, or any changes to existing medication?
Were there any environmental changes such as a neighbour changing their routine and leaving for work or returning home at that time? Does a new streetlight shine brightly through your curtains? Are there any temporary roadworks or rail works which start early and wake you up? Are you waking up hot (or cold) at that time?

Hi Karen, thanks for responding.
We are Brits who live in Bulgaria, but we have been in Canada for 3 months for the birth of our grandaughter. We have been staying with our daughter and hubby in a small apartment on the top floor of the building.
When I wake I have a feeling of entrapment and this gives me a bit of a panic attack because as well as a small apartment, outside is -20 and deep there is no escape!
Maybe thats the root cause...I've tried a slug of Jack Daniels before bed but I think that it may make it worse!

Thanks Linda...the glass of wine sounds tempting!

From what you have said it sounds as if your trouble is caused by environmental things, which you can't control. I think relieving the panic is the thing to try. Some things which will help you sleep through the night are:-
A hot cocoa drink. I make a sugar and dairy-free version with xylitol and soya milk.
A drop or two of lavender oil on your pillow is very relaxing, and helps ease any stress.
A recording of "natural sounds" will help you sleep and relieve any feelings of panic. A friend of mine has this on an MP3 player. It is a selection of birdsong, the sea, forest sounds, rain etc.
A "guided meditation" recording heard through earphones upon retiring for the night.
The stone "Apache's Tears" under the pillow absorbs any negative feelings and so will help eradicate the panic.
A Rose Quartz crystal is a gentle, "supportive" sort of stone. I feel that will help you. The size of the stones you use is not important. Different stones can be used together and can also be carried on your person during the day.

Thanks Karen.I'll give those a try starting with the hot cocoa drink, lavender and 'natural sounds' recordings. 

Hi Karen, we've finally got home to Bulgaria so now I should now not have and phobic feelings of entrapment...we shall see...the next thing to get over is the time difference! In Brandon Manitoba where we were staying its only 3 pm, but here in Bulgaria it's 10pm, so not feeling particularly sleepy!

I'm interested in the stones you mentioned...where can I get them from?

Once more, thanks for your advice and thanks for caring enough to reply.



Hi John. The best place I know for stones is Litlington Crystal Store. The email address is:-
They are also on Facebook as litlingtoncrystals
They have polished stones and also rough cut stones. I don't know if they will post to Bulgaria but if not you could try any local rock shops near you. Like the fossil and rock shops in Cornwall. Also try any "New Age" shops near you, the type of shop which sells incense, oils, "dream catchers" etc.
You can also find the stones I mentioned on Amazon carved into beads. You might have to buy 5 or 10 beads of the same type but you could always thread several different stones together in clusters and use.

A different president?

Try rubbing Lavender oil on your temples and use a sleep mask.  

Works a charm :)


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