I have studied ways to access and read the Akashic Records. One way is through the Akashic Records Reiki attunment and the other one I have used is The Pathway Prayer from author Linda Howe. What I am interested in is other ways to access the records as well as finding another practitioner that reads them. But I welcome any discussion on the subject and will gladly share what I know and may even do a reading or to to demonstrate. Brightest of Blessings to all...~M~



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I believe this place to which you refer is the same as the Akashia the, "all that is or ever shall be" is the place where the records are. Thanks for your perspective on the subject matter. BB...~M~
If you wish a reading, I will need your legal name as well as a question or two to ask. BB...~M~
Are you asking for a reading? I shall get to it soon and reply in a personal message. BB...~M~
Vlada I have done your reading. But it was not a pleasant one. Please allow me to be a friend and send the reading to you in a message as it may prove to be embarrassing to have it public knowledge. BB...~M~
My dear friend John, I have done 2 readings already today. However I will try to get to yours later today after I have finnish up on some other things that I must attend to. Bright Blessings to you and yours...~M~

Aw Maighread Birdsong, I would be interested to know what mine say too,


I will be ending this forum Friday the 11th of March. For anyone who still wants a reading please contact me before that date. BB...~M~
Alrighty then! BB...~M~
Well, I could not say for sure if you have accessed the records or not. They appear different to each individual.I myself do not get visual comformation of the records when doing a reading I just feel the presents of the Lords of the records, the spirit of light and the loved ones of the client I am reading for at a particular time. I hear the answers to the questions I get from the clients in my heart and them I write them down. I say a prayer of thanks when finished and that as they say is that. But it seems to me that you very-well may be in the records. I would try using a voice activated recorder placed aside your bed you may find that the languages you speak while in this state are ones you yourself are unfamiliar with. BB...~M~
Anyone of you guys who received this "free reading" on the akashic records had the detail to put something beautiful on Maighread Birdsong´s page as a sign of gratitude?? #justsaying
Thanks so much for the thought sweetie but good wishes and positive energies go a very long way in my world and it is after all the thoughts which count. Brightest of Blessings to you...~M~


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