I have studied ways to access and read the Akashic Records. One way is through the Akashic Records Reiki attunment and the other one I have used is The Pathway Prayer from author Linda Howe. What I am interested in is other ways to access the records as well as finding another practitioner that reads them. But I welcome any discussion on the subject and will gladly share what I know and may even do a reading or to to demonstrate. Brightest of Blessings to all...~M~



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Good question. I've never been there and I've mostly read of Astral travellers entering the Akashic Records so far. To some it appears as a big old library and to others as an interface they can browse through, depends on the expectations and preferences of the individual, I guess.

Some other way to access bits of information is used and practiced in India, where nadi readers might provide you a divination service and information about important events through the reading of inscriptions written on a palm leaf. It is said that this knowledge originates from the Akashic Records themselves. I opened a thread dealing with this topic which can be read here.

Thanks for your input. So much information here. Well I shall check it all out and perhaps get back to you on your page. BB...~M~
That's exactly what I heard, too. I think it's better to protect the world's memory from bad intentions. Might be that there are some safeguards or natural mechanisms that keep those beings away. I on my part have never tried to willingly access them because I didn't feel the need to, nor do I think that I could access them that easily.
Well I can, I assure you. If you are willing to give me your full legal name and a question or two I will read yours for you. BB...~M~

Akashic Records? You mean the past-life records?

If you know shamanic techniques, you just go into trance, visit the Lowerworld and ask around. The spirits will know. You don't need to go to a specific record-keeping place to get that information.

Thank you John Magne for your support! BB...~M~

The Akashic records contain much more than past-life one can even access the records of the group mind or a nation or country. http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/a/akashic_records.htm


Doh, I should have read that before I posted. haha.  Okay I see.. its more like a collective conscious then.  hmmm.. so much to ponder.

Akashic Records yes cannot be accessed by everyone. Psycics and seers eventually through a period of transitions and transformation and spiritual tests so that they understand the complexity and responsibility that comes with this access.

They are the written energetic patterns of every soul  and planet and the universe both past present and future.

If you are meant to see them you will but they will not be your personal records.

Perhaps this is what you have learned in your research. However I can read for anyone who wishes it and I can read for myself as well. (Although I do not really seem to enjoy reading for myself as much as for others) All I need to do a reading is the person's full legal name and a question or two from the person requesting the reading. If the name, permission and a question or two are given I can do a reading. BB...~M~
Thanks for that information my dear Mary Blood I knew that there were other methods of accessing and reading the Akashic records but could not find much other than what I have already mentioned with my research. Thanks again...~M~

I have heard about this place, by many people, and have also read it in many books.  I've even read in the books from Dr. Newton that does in between life regressions where many of his subjects talk about a place they go to review their records.  None of them call the place Akashic records, but they all call it some great type of library, but each one also describes it differently but it serves the same purpose.


From what I have read, it is a place, that not only discusses, past lives, but is a place that shows all possibilities based on decisions that we as souls make.  It shows, the soul's plans within a certain life even the current and possible future ones.  For this to happen, I would think these records will also have all possible outcomes and events, that have passed or yet to pass.  These records are described like books, yet they have no words but are of energy.  What you desire, manifests and gives you a look into what you are looking for.  From what I gather based upon what I have read, is that these records are fluid.  At any given moment, based upon soul's decisions that it makes, the record records the events which opens up new possibilities for the soul in which the record is being kept.  Also, I would think that these records would have to know what future events holds, because it seems these records are so important when a soul is planning their next physical life.  They have to know what possibilities will occur so they can best decide if that event is going to benefit them in their growth.


My question here is, since I really do not have knowledge of Akashic Records or reading them.  Is this place, that has been described to me, be the same?


I'm really interested in learning more!




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