Hi I'm Bill. I live in the Pacific Northwest of America. Thanks to Rosie Cross for accepting me. I feel like a kid in the proverbial candy store. As I scanned through all the groups I was excited by all of the choices that I had. If you see how many I signed up for, you'll probably understand that I have a lot to say.

A bit about me and my past, I'll try not to bore you? I'm almost 67 and have had so many spiritual psychic paranormal experiences that I've lost count. Everyone of them I promise really happened unless I specifically say that this is a fictional account. I write stories as well if any ones ever interested?

I used to belong to an Empath site that the owner shut down because of the cost. I know that NING sites are not cheap and I will contribute my experience and financially as I go along. As I also encourage others to do likewise.

As I stated above, I've had many experiences to gather knowledge from and feel like I can help answer questions in many areas that I write about and have researched in depth. If I write something and you have questions/comments please feel free to ask. There really are no dumb questions when it comes to the topics that are covered on this site. And remember, no one in this field has all of the answers. It's exiting because it is a new frontier that is wide open for all of us.

I wish you all the greatest peace that you can find in this Universe. Love it and it will love you back, but that doesn't mean that it will always be easy. And if you are brand new to all of this feel free to friend me and I will do my best to answer any questions that I can or at least try and point you into the right direction!


Bill Walker

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That's a beautiful introduction. I'm happy to make your acquaintance. None of us are getting any younger, and it's sad that we're a dying breed. A lot of times I think about what I want to discuss, but with so few to share ideas of like mindedness with...it's hard to say where we are truly kindred in this way. But still an education is one I cherish and I love to read and philosophize in my own way to make a spiritual journey out of the time I have for sharing is caring. I appreciate your wisdom, and that cultivated by the efforts of all.


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