I will attempt to chronicle my many past lives, as I have discovered them.

My spirit was born 20,000 years ago in the Draco system. I existed there for 4,000 years, before migrating to the Orion system as a sort-of political rebel. After 8,000 years on Orion, I finally came to Earth, with the mission of liberating the humans, or at least those who would accept liberation. I arrived here about 8,000 years ago, and in my early days here I was part of the Egyptian royal family. I remember drinking a purple liquid that would change our perception, and I remember an electric buzzing coming from the Pyramids. It was an amazing place. And in this place, at this time, the Draconians ruled from the ground, while the Anunnaki ruled from the skies.

Thousands of years later I migrated to America, and lived as a native American for untold hundreds of years, until the white man arrived and invaded. (I have been told by at least 1 person that I was a great Chief, though I had trouble believing it at the time.) I was killed along with 90% of the Native Americans, and my spirit started to reincarnate in Asia, where I was still fighting a war against the same group of white men. I remember dying in the atomic blast in Hiroshima, and while I cannot remember what it feels like to die in most of the ways that I have died, I remember exactly what it felt like to have my atoms ripped apart, and to dissolve into subatomic particles. It is intensely terrifying, as even the soul itself is ripped apart. After that, I was born in the Cambodia region, and I was killed by the Americans once more when I was blasted with Napalm during an air raid. I remember everything up until the moment the napalm hit.

After dying in Cambodia, my spirit went to hell for 20-30 years, due to my sordid state of mind and the overwhelming loss I felt. I had become separated from my creator. While I was down there, I met a fallen angel working in the ranks of Lucifer, and together we made an alliance to be reincarnated back to Earth together when I made it out. I also found my family from Cambodia down there. They had come into hell just to find me. When I found them, I was finally ready to leave.

So I exited hell, and was reborn back into what is now the United States, this time as a white man--go figure. But in my current bloodline, I still carry the genetics of my Draconian, Egyptian, and Native American ancestors. (Yes, I am actually part Cherokee and part African). Now that I am finally back in touch with my true self, I am continuing the path which was always my mission. In hopes to liberate mankind before the cataclysm, at least all of those who will accept it. And now, I have found enlightenment, through an ancient ritual of the western native american tribes. If you would like to read about that, please see the Native American forum section.

I will be very happy to meet others who I perhaps even know from my past lives :) most of my friends in this life, I know from Ancient Egypt (Kemet) or Native America. How I discovered all of this is an entirely different story! lol

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