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Here is a ride to Mt. Shasta: this one finishes off the ride to the end of the road. If you put it on full screen, you get dizzy, lol

Mount Shasta is in California, USA. 

Mount Shasta

By Chuck Woodbury

Mt. Shasta is California’s most beautiful mountain. On a clear day you can see it from at least 100 miles away. People who live near it have remarkable stories about the 14,162-foot Cascade volcano.

The most remarkable stories are the legends about the mysterious people who supposedly live inside the mountain. They are said to be descendants of an ancient society from Lemuria, a lost continent that sunk eons ago. These Lemurians supposedly live deep inside the mountain in apartments plated with gold. In this secret colony, they preserve their ancient customs.

Lemurians are commonly described as graceful and tall -- seven feet and up -- with long, flowing hair. They dress in white robes and sandals. They are said to have long, slender necks which they adorn with beautiful decorative collars made of beads or precious stones.

Perhaps their most unusual physical characteristic is a walnut-sized organ that protrudes from the center of their foreheads. This sixth-sense enables Lemurians to communicate among themselves by extra-sensory perception.

A Dr. M. Doreal claimed years ago that he visited the Lemurians inside their mountain. “The space we came into was about two miles in height and about 20 miles long and 15 miles wide,” he wrote. “It was as light as a bright summer day because suspended almost in the center of that great cavern of space was a giant glowing mass of light.”

Another man reported that he fell asleep on Mt. Shasta, to be awakened by a Lemurian who led him inside the mountain to his “cave, which was paved with gold.” The Lemurian told the man that there were a series of tunnels left by volcanoes that were under the earth like freeways -- a world within a world.

Lemurians supposedly mastered atomic energy, extra-sensory perception, electronics and science as long as 18,000 years ago. Back then, they knew how to propel boats using energy radiated from rocks. They had airships and flew them to Atlantis and other places.

Today, people report seeing strange lights on the mountain. One explanation is that they are spacecraft coming and going from a fortress deep in the mountain.

Lemurians, it is said, possess supernatural powers that enable them to disappear at will -- one reason why they aren’t spotted very often. Their power also allows them to “will” an intruder away.

I have never been there, sounds like a wonderful time, too bad you could not have stayed longer to explore, must have been a beautiful site first thing in the morning. ;o)

For this full moon focus, let’s breathe peace, kindness and forgiveness into our cells and out into the planetary field environment, while seeing our coherent heart energy helping to raise and sustain our personal and collective vibration to the level of our authentic self – who we truly are – this facilitates our heart’s intuitive discernment in what we choose to think, feel and do… Now let’s radiate our coherent love to help transform the stress and negative energies that surround the political process in many countries. Let’s envision that whoever leads will be guided by intuitive heart inspiration to what’s the highest best for the whole.

More interesting stories on Mt. Shasta.

Below looks like a Mother Ship


I’m glad you could all be with me at this bright and glorious time in our lives. I want to start with you picturing yourselves at the great Mount Shasta in California, which is suppose to be the entrance to one of our inner earths and our Lemurian’s, and many ufo’s have been seen over this great mountain.  Would you prefer to be at the base or at the top for this meditation, please let me know. You can look at the pictures and decide. The top would be wonderful.

All join in hands please. Clear all thoughts out of your mind if you can. Wrap yourselves in a golden light like an egg around your body. Imagine a bright white light coming down into the top of your head, through your crown chakra from the mighty universe,  and coming down through  your throat  chakra then your heart chakra. Let your heart chakra open the doors and let all of the love and light come into it and start your healing. Get rid of the anger with each breath you blow out, and bring in the goodness with each breath you take in. Take deep breaths. Bring the light down through your solar plexis, through your hips to your legs and enter your feet and toes, wiggle your toes, and enter into the earth to ground yourself, please make sure you are bare foot, as  the grounding will be more powerful. As you ground yourself to the earth, come come back up through to your heart chakra and through your crown chakra and let the light reach back up to the universe in a flowing river of universal strength, love and healing. Now change the color of this mighty river to violet and just let it flow. Feel the flow of the violet flame throughout your beautiful creative soul and feel all the goodness, energy, strength and love coming in, filling you up.

 Now, please sit in silence and clear your mind. For you are wonderful souls that have been sent here to be with this most wonderful time in the history of our earth Gaia, to share in her cleansing and your healing with your angels and guides. Do not fear for we are as one and we will all heal. All you have to do is call them in and ask. They have been with you for millenniums and will do as you bid them. We have all been through a lot and they are waiting for you to ask them for help. Ask them for strength in your relationships, for healing with depression, physical ailments, loneliness, money problems, loss of a family member or pet, they can help you with what you need.

Picture yourself taking each of your pains and ills, and reaching for the sky and tying them to the stars above, all the pain, depression, hate, anger, envy, gone, tie them to your stars above, reach for them, it is alright they don't mind, they want to help you, that's it, reach for them, they are alone and don't mind your company, they want to help you get your light energy back and have no worries, so by the morning they all will be gone. Whatever it is, let the evening stars hold them strong and your angels will take them away from these wonderful, magnificent stoic stars, and the next evening, these stars will shine bright and happy to have helped you, waiting for the next time they may need to do it all over again for anyone that needs their assistance.

Now close your eyes, feel the energy of letting loose of all that was. Feel the new you, strong, happy and full of love, energy and that you are amazing and can create anything you desire and run free with it.

Summit of Mt. Shasta

Beautiful picture Catherine, thank you so much. Please join this meditation. I do not know what day it will be as the full moon will be on 3 days, the 29, 30 and 31st. The time where I am will be 7pm, but that is Arizona time, it will be 10pm EST. So we have time to figure out when it will be. Namaste


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