Why CBD Bath Bombs?

But why a CBD bath bomb? Well, your skin is your largest organ and a powerful tool for absorbing vitamins, minerals, and botanicals, which can help balance your entire system.

As you soak in the tub, your body absorbs CBD like a sponge, giving you a full-body topical application and helping you unwind. Toss in a few extra skin-soothing and muscle-relaxing ingredients, and—well, let’s just say—you may never take a shower again. 

Sounds great, yes? Yes.

Almost all bath bomb recipes call for the same basic ingredients—baking soda, citric acid, and salt. But since CBD bath bombs are geared toward optimum relaxation, I added ingredients that help soothe sore muscles and aching bones while also melting away stress and supporting mental clarity.

CBD Bath Bomb Ingredients

1. CBD

Hemp-derived, broad-spectrum CBD helps ease the body, mind, and senses. If you want to learn more about using CBD in skincare, start here.

Most commercial CBD bath bombs contain between 25 mg and 100 mg of CBD. To be safe, I recommend starting with 25 mg and seeing how it affects you. If you’re especially stressed and 25 mg isn’t enough, go ahead and add more. But since CBD varies widely in terms of strength, the exact amount you’ll need will depend on the brand.

2. Coconut oil

Not only does it help hold the bath bombs together, but coconut oil nourishes and hydrates dry skin [source].

3. Almond oil

Almond oil, my favorite body oil, is luxuriously moisturizing [source] without clogging pores or irritating sensitive skin.

4. Epsom salt

Epsom salt is a magical bath time addition that relaxes aching muscles and soothes irritated skin.

5. Lavender essential oil

The queen of stress-relief + aromatherapy, lavender essential oil calms both the body and mind [source] and helps you sleep [source].

Tips For Making CBD Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are, by far, the easiest bath and body DIY, which is why we’ve made so many different variations.

But the process is always the same. You’re going to start by combining your dry ingredients, like baking soda, citric acid, Epsom salt, and cornstarch. And then you’ll add your wet ingredients.

Some recipes call for water, but I no longer use it in mine. Even just a teaspoon of water can set off the chemical reaction that causes your bath bombs to prematurely fizz. And if you add too much, sometimes they never stop fizzing.

It’s a mess.

Our bath bomb secret ingredient!

Instead, I use a tablespoon or so of coconut oil (or any solid-at-room-temperature oil or butter you like) to help hold my bath bombs together. Yes, it can make the tub a little slippery. And no, it’s not great for the drain if done too often. Yes, it makes your bath bombs smell like coconut. But a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

Once you’ve mixed all the ingredients together and it’s the consistency of wet sand (add more coconut oil, if needed), then you scoop it into your molds. I like to sprinkle some extra sea salt or Epsom salt into the mold first for looks, but you can skip it.

What Molds Should I Use?

And as for the molds themselves, I have a set of round bath bomb molds I like to use. But you can use muffin tins, a few paper muffin cups stacked together, ice cube trays, silicone molds, or anything else you’ve got lying around.

Let your bombs harden overnight before removing them from the molds.

How do I use a CBD bath bomb?

When you’re ready to use them, turn on the hot water and let the tub fill up. Climb in and drop a bath bomb under the running faucet. Then, relax, unwind, and soak in the magic.

These bath bombs will keep for about 6 months if stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

How To Make CBD Bath Bombs

These CBD bath bombs combine the relaxing effects of CBD with the skin-soothing and hydrating effects of lavender essential oil, Epsom salts, and coconut oil.
Prep Time10 mins
Rest Time12 hrs
Total Time12 hrs 10 mins
Course: Bath and Body
Cuisine: DIY
Keyword: bath bomb, CBD


Yield: 2 bath bombs


Author: Stephanie Pollard


Cost: $10


  • Large mixing bowl
  • Bath bomb mold (or a mold of your choice, such as a muffin tin, clean yogurt cup, silicon mold, ice cube tray)



  • Combine the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Whisk well to remove any clumps.

Slowly add the oils and mix again. You may want to use your hands to break apart any clumps and ensure the oils get evenly dispersed.

If needed, add more coconut oil until the mixture is the consistency of wet sand.

Sprinkle some Epsom salts into one side of your bath bomb mold.

Scoop spoonfuls of the baking soda mixture into both sides of the mold, packing it down every now and then, until slightly overflowing.

Press the two sides together and brush away any extra baking soda mixture around the seam.

Let your bath bombs rest overnight (if youre in a hurry, place them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes) before removing from the mold.


Most bath bombs I have seen on the market contain between 25 mg and 100 mg of CBD. To be safe, I recommend starting with 25 mg and seeing how it affects you. If you’re especially stressed and 25 mg isn’t enough, go ahead and add more. But since CBD varies widely in terms of strength, the exact amount you’ll need will depend on the brand.
To use, fill the tub with water. Drop a bath bomb into the water, either before or after getting in. Then, relax!
Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 6 months.

Views: 73

Replies to This Discussion

I would love to try this!  I have yet to have CBD but I have high hopes - lol no pun intended!


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