As the Mediterranean legends go, the Atlanteans controlled parts of Egypt, Libya, Europe, Central America, and South America, while the people of the Mediterranean united to repel the Atlantean invaders. The antediluvian world appears to have been populated by three great civilizations, all led by giants. The day six Atlanteans were a race that was red- skinned, while the Aryans (Sumerians) were white, and the third race of people was black- skinned (Mu) from the Nile Valley 32 and a Pacific Ocean subcontinent; other legends recant Atlanteans with white skin. The Egyptians regarded themselves as red. 33

Even so, ancient Aryans and Egyptians recognized four human races, according to Ignatius Donnelly: white, red, black, and yellow. 34 On a similar note, the Popol Vuh appears to back the four- race notion of the antediluvian epoch. In the Popol Vuh account, four peoples (day six) were created that multiplied around the earth, creating many tribes from black to white, who spoke many tongues, which was understood to mean four distinct races. 35 Likely then, the black race resided in Africa south of Egypt, while the yellow race dwelled in Mu or Sunderland.

Mu’s occultist acceptance as an antediluvian civilization dates back to a Spanish monk, Diego de Landa, who copied notes from original Mayan writings. Charles Ettienne Brasseur de Bourg then studied Landa’s notes, discovering the destruction of an antediluvian civilization that he believed was Atlantis but thought was located in the western Indian Ocean. Thus, Mu became the Mayan Atlantis. Over time, occultism has meshed Mu with Lemuria; the lost continent; a parallel civilization dreamed up by Helen Blavatsky in her book Isis Unveiled; and with Sunderland, an ancient civilization discovered in 1964 C.E. east and south of Asia. 36

In other legends, Mu’s home world was believed to have been a large continent located in the Pacific Ocean. It was a civilization that exploited technology, inclusive of the mythological antigravity; Mu fell to a similar destruction as Atlantis. The ancient Indian holy books, the Vedas , were believed to have originated in Mu. Mu was further believed to have founded Lower Egypt, while Atlantis founded Upper Egypt. 37 An Englishman, James Churchward, copied from Brahman tablets information that contained Mayan inscriptions concerning the continent of Mu, which was located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Similarly, le Plongeon, a South American archaeologist of the nineteenth century, discovered references to Mu in the Troano Codex . 38

One wonders whether or not accounts documented within the Vedas recant the destruction of Atlantis or a most similar end to the empire and subcontinent of Mu. Veda hymns convey a great city swallowed up by the sea, celebrated as “Dwarka” and “Dvaraka” in various accounts. These accounts were recorded in the Indian epic Mahahbarata , which was composed a few hundred years after the Rig Veda , and were recorded in the Bhagvata and the Vishnu Puran

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