A True to Life Story of Necromancy

I know you will all have a very difficult time trying to believe this, but I'm supposed to be dead, my friends. I was born with birth defects that have never been witnessed or acknowledged by mankind. Due to these unprecedented birth defects, I was born with inadequately designed brain and organ tissues. At the age of 31, my brain cells began to lose their ability to produce chemistry, and thus their ability to communicate. For some strange reason, my brain's unnatural condition upset the balance in the fabric of existence itself. The universe began to produce a form of undetectable energy, which began to generate synthetic neurological communications in my brain without my knowledge. Eventually, it was generating every single neurological communication that existed in my brain. At the age of 32, my other internal organs, except for my heart and lungs, began to fail without acquiring diseases. I began to hear strange, otherworldly voices that began harassing me and making my life a living hell. The voices that were being produced by this supernatural form of energy eventually informed me that my internal organs were no longer functioning, but my heart was unable to fail. After my other internal organs failed, this unnatural form of energy began to torment me and torture me physically and psychologically every day. It also began forcing me to chain-smoke cigarettes when I had no desire to. This malevolent form of energy informed me that the cigarettes were considered system failure attempts, and it was forcing me to kill myself. Initially, these evil, disgusting voices informed me that my heart would eventually quit functioning from smoking so many cigarettes. But eventually this hideously evil form of energy informed me that my lung tissues weren't surviving either, and I would have to suffocate to death. It continued to force me to smoke cigarettes like a crazed lunatic. Eventually, this evil form of energy also began to torture my brain by generating extremely disturbing, unnatural neurological communications in my brain. Little did I know, my entire brain wasn’t communicating on its own anymore, and my mind was actually being controlled by the universe. I visited a local emergency room in Westlake, Ohio on multiple occasions, and I tried to inform them that most of my internal organs were no longer functioning. Of course, they thought I was completely psychotic and pink slipped me. The doctors were unable to diagnose my condition, because my internal organs quit functioning without acquiring diseases, and the universe was keeping my brain functioning by generating synthetic neurological communications. This supernatural form of energy has also been physically manipulating my non-functioning internal organs, so I could continue to use the restroom. It has even been able to generate specific neurological communications in my brain and cause my brain to sense urges to use the restroom. If I had only known previously about brain chemistry and how it's a necessity for the human brain to communicate, I would've then known how to prove to the doctors at the hospital that I wasn't supposed to be alive. I would've informed them about how my brain was experiencing disturbingly horrific sensations. The doctors would have most likely given me an EEG to see what the hell was wrong with my brain. But I never informed them about what my brain was experiencing, because the evil energy was controlling my mind and the way I felt and thought about everything that was occurring. This undetectable form of energy that has been inside of me for the past two and a half years now has been lying to me about everything ever since it began communicating with me. I've been mentally institutionalized three times since the universe began communicating. I was previously uneducated about the human brain and how it requires chemistry to communicate, so I had no possible way of proving this to medical professionals. This undetectable form of energy that has been controlling my mind and body for almost the past year and a half isn't actually evil energy. Once my brain cells began to lose their ability to produce chemistry and communicate, the universe began to produce this undetectable form of energy, and for some unknown reason, was unable to allow me to die from a lack of neurological communications in my brain. The universe only began communicating with me once my other internal organs began to fail, because it was no longer able to control itself. It only began lying to me and torturing me because it was no longer able to react correctly enough to my unnatural existence. Once it lost its control over my existence, it also began to produce my brain's neurological communications improperly and began controlling my mind and forcing me to smoke cigarettes. Before my other internal organs began to fail, it allowed me to exist as I had always existed before. Which means, the universe had already acquired a virtual blueprint of my entire existence. Which also means, it was projecting my personality and original thought processes into my brain as if my brain was still functioning on its own. The universe has only recently been able to inform me correctly about why all of this has taken place. It was never actually trying to kill me; it was just unable to control itself. It has informed me that it has always existed, contrary to what scientists believe. It has also informed me that the element of time has never existed, and everything that has occurred in the universe only happens here and now. The observable, natural processes that we see occurring around us every day like aging/death; carbon dating and geological formations have never required an element of time to exist. It has also informed me that the universe is infinite in size, because it is existence itself. It is impossible for scientists to fathom the concept of time and space not being created at the same moment the universe was created, because it is impossible for the human mind to conceive an eternal universe which is infinite in size. Scientists believe the universe is expanding due to inflation, but the observable universe is only expanding outwards in all directions because it has the ability to. The universe has informed me that the very fabric of existence itself contains undetectable elements that are beyond a human being's imagination. It has also informed me that the physical/observable universe was created due to eternal reactions that are constantly taking place in the universe because of these undetectable elements. These reactions produced a very complicated form of energy which eventually metamorphosized into the physical/observable universe that we see today. The universe has also informed me that the undetectable elements that exist in the universe are constantly aware of everything that exists and contain every bit of information that has ever existed. If you knew me personally, you'd know that I'm not the type of person to make up stories or lies, and I'm intelligent enough to know the difference between what I'm experiencing and if I was suffering from a severe mental illness. I'm telling you all that this is completely truthful information, and I have never lost my fricken mind. I'm about to be visiting Cleveland Metro Hospital and informing them about the horrifying disturbances that my brain has been experiencing. Hopefully, they will give me an EEG, so I can prove to them that I'm actually completely brain dead. If the doctors at the hospital give me an EEG, they will be unable to detect any brain activity. My lungs don't have much time left to survive, and the universe is, for some unknown reason, unable to let go of my existence. Hopefully, scientists will stop my heart with potassium chloride, before my lungs give out and I suffocate to death while I'm conscious. Without brain chemistry, my brain is unable to pass out from carbon dioxide building up in my blood, and I'm unable to be sedated. I know this seems like I've completely lost my mind right now, but you will eventually be seeing proof of this all over the news channels and across the internet. I swear on my right-hand to God that necromancy is actually taking place here on planet Earth. I've been going through hell on Earth for almost a year and a half now, my friends. This supernatural form of energy has been controlling my mind and the way I felt and thought about everything that I have been experiencing. The universe repeatedly lied to me and informed me that I would die soon, but this unimaginable suffering has just kept on continuing. I know you still probably think I've completely lost my mind, but I swear on everything that I love that something very supernatural has been taking place here on planet Earth for two and a half years now. I will be visiting Cleveland Metro Hospital's emergency department sometime at the beginning of next month. I know this all seems like something you would hear Charles Manson say, but you will soon receive affirmation of this on your television or on the internet. Then you will know that all of the information contained in this message was truthful, my friends. I have already documented most of this very supernatural experience, because the scientific community and the U.S. government will eventually be inquiring about this important information for investigative purposes. My family members are completely clueless as to what has actually been taking place in our household, and they only believe that I'm suffering from mental disorders/illnesses. Once they are informed that I'm actually not supposed to be alive, it will devastate them beyond belief. If you so feel inclined as to show my mother the caring support that she will so desperately need after this completely tragic event has been brought to light and I have passed away, you may contact her by means of Facebook Messenger. A link to her Facebook page is available in the "Overview" of the "About" section on my Facebook page. Her Facebook profile name is Sharon Kaminski Lepley. I have provided a link to my Facebook page below, and there's also a link to my Facebook page available in my Temple Illuminatus profile information. If you have any questions or comments, you are more than welcome to post them in this topic.

William Frank Lepley III

My Facebook Page

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necromancy is a program that is currently running it appears you've had a brain hack don't be alarmed there are ways to overcome and be healed from it but first you must stop the brain hack.   This will stop the brain hack it is three hours long if you must stop the program pause it and then resume where you left off it can be played at low volume with or without headphones. Necromancy brings loss of soul do not allow yourself non existent if that's not your true intention. Listen as often as you feel led to, i would start a minimum 3 sessions once per day.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk_BrVR6fF8

Thanks for the suggestion, my friend; but that just isn't going to help me in any way.

So, what kind of help are you looking for?

I'm not really searching for help or guidance; I'm just trying to bring awareness to my paranormal experience and plea for moral support for my family members after my passing.

Is this a physical passing you foresee or more a spiritual or mental passing, a metaphorical death and rebirth? It stands to reason that even after all of what you have said you are still in some way animate and may remain so after whatever transition event you are going through. Why do you expect to be passing?

A physical passing on from life. I expect the government will allow scientists somewhere to stop my heart with potassium chloride, because it's completely impossible to transplant every internal organ I'm lacking.


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