The recipient may become cold. You should have a light blanket available to cover them if needed. A pillow or pillows is useful for arranging for maximum comfort particularly when treating the back. Comfort can be a real concern if you do not have a face rest.

You can do the treatment from the front only or have the client sit for treatment on the back if it is not practical or comfortable for them to lie face down. Many people are not comfortable laying face down.

Sometimes emotional clearing occurs during treatment and can result in the client crying. You should have some tissues handy in case of need. If the person being treated cries do not interrupt the treatment to give them tissues. Interrupting them may result in a reduction of the healing release. On rare occasions, a recipient may feel that your hands are too hot or feel pain or discomfort in some other way. If this happens ask if they wish to stop the treatment or continue. Most people will choose to continue and may feel a healing release. If someone wishes to end the treatment early for any reason then stop giving Reiki.

Washing hands

Wash your hands before and after giving treatment if possible. Wash your hands before the Reiki treatment. Washing your hands also helps give you time for a symbolic entry into the best mental state for the treatment. Wash your hands after the treatment as a way to distinguish your treatment time from your routine. You might carry disposable washcloths if you often do treatments “on the road”. Please don't make a big deal about it as a frantic dive to wash your hands may be quite distressing to your client.

You might have pleasant music playing if you both agree. There are many tapes and CDs with music designed for Reiki treatments and similar work. Some clients are distracted by music while others prefer to have it. Many people burn quality incense or use aromatherapy oil in a diffuser. Inquire about allergies before using a fragrance, and use only genuine essential oil if possible. You might offer a cup of Herb tea or water after a session. Clients should always be encouraged to drink lots of water to release toxins.

I do sometimes use crystals in conjunction with Reiki but in most cases, I limit this to having amethyst, clear quartz or Rose Quartz under the Reiki table and crystals in the treatment room (which is where they are anyway) unless I feel strong intuitive guidance to use them. Combining Reiki with laying on of stones can overwhelm some clients and may even give them a headache. Holding a clear quartz ball or crystal while running Reiki through it is sometimes used for breaking up severe blocks and stagnation in the energy field.

Toning may be used if you feel a strong intuitive urge to do so but as with crystals should not be used casually. These are not part of traditional Reiki treatments and aren't likely to be available in emergencies so please do not depend on these enhancements. Reiki will work just fine with no frills at all.

The United States has very severe penalties for practicing medicine without a license. Reiki is not diagnostic. We do not in any way attempt to locate or define medical or psychological needs. Anyone seeking Reiki treatments that have a medical condition should be reminded to see an appropriate practitioner.

Reiki practitioners do often develop an intuition about areas of concern and possible conditions. They might ask questions and suggest that the client ask a doctor about something. During the treatment, many practitioners find that they sometimes receive intuitive impressions or information about the client or situations. Check with your intuitive source before sharing any such information. the information may be intended only for you or it may be meant for you to share. Confirmation of whether or not to share is usually easy to receive, if unsure do not. Remember that you are a Reiki channel, not a doctor or Psychologist (unless you are of course).

Reiki is quite effective when done as a holistic practice similar to acupressure. Some people feel that it is more effective when Spiritual intention is added. Reiki is self-grounding and has built-in protections. It can do no harm. You do not need to use any extra procedures for protection and grounding. You may choose to do some things such as ground and center yourself. One way of doing this is to connect with Earth and Source.

You can imagine yourself and the receiver as being surrounded by golden or rainbow light or white or violet light. You could smudge or call in the Angels if you wish. These practices are not standard to Reiki nor in any way required and may not affect the quality and effectiveness of the treatment but can contribute nice energy to the surroundings if you want to do this and have time for them.
I often ask and invite any angels or guides who wish to help to join us, I ask my solar angel to allow only the forces of the highest good to join us. I intend that the room be filled with Reiki energy. You can do whatever will focus you to the purpose of giving the session. This is a personal choice. Reiki will work without any spiritual additions at all.

is an often-neglected area. You will be more comfortable during treatments if you stand with your weight balanced over both feet, knees slightly bent, feet placed a bit apart, but tucked in, back straight, and with your shoulders slightly rounded not held back rigidly.

You can either move both hands at once or one at a time moving the second to meet the first, lift the hands off the body but keep them in the aura. Do not slide them along the body. Begin by spending a moment with your hands in the grasshopper or praying hands position at your heart or throat and focus your intention and activate your Reiki.

Giving the Treatment
the reiki master does the following:

  • Grounds and centers themselves. Instructs the recipient(s) in grounding and centering themselves. Remind the recipients this is their ceremony and be open to any and all experiences which happen. Perhaps puts on some mood setting music, lights incense, etc. The Master starts standing in front of the recipients and it is traditional for him/her to hold their hands up high at shoulder height with palms facing forward. The recipients should be seated in a row with room around them for the Master to walk around them easily.
  • Walk around the recipients one full circle and then behind the row again standing behind the first recipient.
  • There are two halves to the ceremony, one part done behind the recipient, the other part done in front.
  • Hold the left-hand palm up next to the recipient’s head. The left hand generally receives energy while the right hand generally gives energy.
  • With the right hand draw the symbols over the crown of the recipient’s head.
  • When done with their backsides, walk around to the front.
  • At the front take the recipient's hands between your own for a moment.
  • Draw the symbols over the hand. Drawing each symbol once, and as you draw silently chanting the name of the symbol three times.
  • Visualize the master symbol in violet and lightly blow, twice, from the base chakra to the crown chakra.
  • Lightly touch the forehead (third eye).
  • Draw the symbols over the forehead (third eye). Again, drawing each symbol once, and chanting the name of the symbol three times.
  • Gently separate the hands.
  • Visualize the master symbol again and gently blow from base to crown.
  • Visualize the master symbol in the palm of your right hand and hold it over the recipient’s left hand. Lightly slap the palm of your right hand into the palm of their left hand.

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