

United States

Profile Information:

Gender, any & all.
Area location: Country with Optional State, Province etc.
United States, PNW
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I was a Temple member years ago, many years ago. I miss forums like this these days. Back when forums were in their heyday I wasn't a member of many, the Temple was one of them.
It was my last strong-hold as beasts like Quora, Reddit and other monstrosities took over. I was sad to leave but just had to, it wasn't a good time for the Temple, there was talk of big changes...
Also, a lot of forum sites are tech-centric. I'm a Mystic, not a techie, lol.
I just want to try it out and see how old-school forums are holding up in the 2020's.
Which spiritual path do you follow?
About Myself & My Interests...
I'm a spiritual polymath and a Mystic onlooker applying many methods, tried and true to me over my many years of experience. I'm guided and a guide, I learn from everything and every one.
I am a writer and the creator of Gorgonzola Journalism, I'm an Author, Consultant, Traveler, Polymath, Mystical Maven, Mental Health Muse & Mediator to the Gods, M.H., C.H.T., O.M.D.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
Many of my herb teachers who taught me connection to plants as medicine, among other things, were mentors to me for to many reasons to list.
I like the writing of Tome Robbins, Terrance McKenna, Alan Watts, many philosophers and currently people who aren't afraid to stand up for objective truth.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
I mention favorites in the last question but can add that there are some lesser known authors, some whose genres I normally wouldn't have read, but they hired me to beta read for them. I came to love their genre just by getting to know the author. Books are a wonderful journey on so many levels, I was a librarian for 7 years so I could talk about books for hours.
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
I play several instruments so I like to make music as much as listen to it. I don't have a favorite style as what I listen to at any given time is dictated by my mood. I miss the old radio days but I love how often I accidentally find really bitchin' music when I stream.
Artists and/or Art I appreciate:
John Singer Seargent is my favorite painter.
I have favorite sculptures but don't know the names of the sculptors.
Lately, I like graffiti. It's gotten weird since the pandemic.
Website: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any favourites?

Comment Wall:

  • Linda M.

  • Patricia Fross


  • SunKat

  • Linda M.

    it's good to see you back.



  • Soulfish

    Thank you to all who welcomed me!!! I don't have a phone that works with the site and don't get a lot of computer time, so if replies seem delayed, that's why.

    I appreciate all of you and it's good to be back!