Casey Paul

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United States
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
I want to connect with and learn more about the beliefs and practices of my ancestors. On my journey to connect to myself and learn more about my history I've felt strong desire to understand and venerate my ancestors.
About Myself & My Interests...
My interests include flying airplanes, spending time outdoors, reading, and art.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
I've dabbled in various spiritual teachings throughout my life although I've never found one "path" that speaks to me in it's totality. In my practice I've taken influences from Kemetic faith, Hermetic Kabalyion, Jewish Kabbalah, Daoism, Shintoism, and some aspects of New Age spirituality.

My connection to Kemet and the Kemetic pantheon stems from a childhood familiarity and love of the culture. As a child I adored Egypt- it was familiar to me as though I'd lived lives there before- and I was inspired to become an Archeologist as a result. I particularly identify with the dualistic Goddess Het-Heru and her counterpart Sekhmet. It was my relationship and identification with Kemet that led me to the works of Hermes Trismegestis.

Like Egypt, I've felt a deep-rooted identification and familiarity with Judaism since I was small, despite not being Jewish myself. It was this connection that inspired me to learn about the Kabbalah.

My interest in the Dao and Shintoism are both rooted in my desire to have a more well-rounded understanding of the spiritual and religious faiths that exist in the East.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Works I am fond of include The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (Vol. 1-2), The Hermetica, The Kybalion, the Elements of the Qabalah, Practical Kabbalah, Path of the Kabbalah, the Talmud, the Apocrypha (King James Version), and Sacred Woman (Queen Afua).
Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
I love many generas of music but my favorite artists include Pearl Jam, Blue October, Rising Appalachia, WILLOW, Beautiful Chorus, and Tamino.
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
I like the old Akira Kurosawa movies- particularly Hidden Fortress and Samurai 7.
Artists and/or Art I appreciate:

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