bob reynolds

La Follette, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Gender, any & all.
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
to learn EVERYTHING. and find real friends. (not many out there anymore).
About Myself & My Interests...
i love learning. into history, collecting, baseball, nature, camping.
i'm rebellious. called radical by some. worse by others who cant handle the truth.
My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
my kids. also, a couple people (i met here) that changed my life without knowing it. i'm thankful as hell to have met them.
Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
history books. (like there's any truth to them).

Comment Wall:

  • L. Love

    Welcome to the Temple.  Blessings to you and yours :)

  • Leila Raven

    It takes time for most people to get used to a new webspace and
    there is lots to see and do here! I recommend you take your time
    and explore all the different areas of the Temple. If you have any
    questions or concerns of any nature, please feel free to contact
    me at any time or visit our Support Group for info & assistance.
    Live in Love ~ Leila Raven ~ The Temple

  • Leila Raven

    Thanks bob for a such a kind and heartfelt comment.

    I think a lot of people would like to be living in different kinds of relationships, but actually taking the plunge and doing so can be very intimidating in our society. There are all kinds of discriminations people face and I think it can be a hard step for many to make.

    I think in time, I hope in time, this will change and our world will be more welcoming of allowing people to decide what kinds of bonds to form with each other and what kinds of families and lifestyles they want to create.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you better, and thanks for your sweet words.. !

  • Leila Raven

    Ah rebellious, just another word for people who don't fit into the mold and are not willing to conform. and nothing wrong with that! :)

    Have a great day bob.

  • Leila Raven

    For sure, thats the ticket really, and the only way to find other non-conformists is to be openly non-conformist.. lol, if we hide ourselves then we don't find each other either, so that's no good! Personally I think 90% of the world are probably non-conformists in hiding.. that's the big irony. We're all not 'normal' it's just that most of us are still trying to pretend.. *smile*

    One of the things I'm hoping the Temple will do in time is bring people together in person as well as online.

    We have a group for Canada and one for the UK, maybe you should start one for the US?  As the site grows you could have a thread for every state, and if we get really big, we can end up with a group for every state. I know some people in the UK group have already made some efforts towards in person connections.

    I think a lot of people here would be interested in meeting like minded people in their area.

  • L. Love

    Thank you for your friendship Bob :)  Much love to you my friend and blessings :)

  • Leila Raven

    Hi Bob, please don't feel badly, it was me that removed her from the site. I wrote her a very nice letter and gave her links to a few great teen witch/pagan/occult sites that are geared towards teens and young adults, but still tackle all the grown up issues, and have the same great info. I also gave her links to scarlet teen for issues relating to sacred sexuality, etc. So she wasn't left hanging high and dry.

    This site is 18+ for various legal considerations, so it's just not possible for us to allow members to remain when we're aware they are under age.

    You did the right thing, the sites that I referenced her to are really good ones, I know some of the admins there, and she's going to be better suited there in the long run exploring with peers.

  • Leila Raven

    Hi! You've been here a few weeks now, so checking in to see how you're doing. If you need any help with the site don't hesitate to ask or check our Support Group for help from our friendly Admins & site members!

    Looking forward to sharing with you in times to come!

    Live in Love, Leila. :)

    Suggestions for new members:

    • Customize your page & email settings & familiarize yourself with the site areas!
    • Invite your friends and help build the community base you would like!
    • Introduce yourself or start a conversation on a topic that interests you in Forums!
    • Create a blog post or if you blog elsewhere post copies in a blog here!
    • Welcome other new members and make new friends!
    • Check out groups to find groups of interest or create your own group to moderate!
    • Check out our applications, you can add all kinds of things to your personal room!
    • Check out the chat room and register your chat name!
  • L. Love

    Hello my friend...all I can tell you is my own view on things.  When I refer to love, I do not refer to the transient 'romantic' love but true unconditional, Universal Love.  While Romantic Love has the purpose of bringing two people together, it is the unconditional love that sustains that relationship.  It is unconditional love that asks us to care for eachother and to help and support those less well off than ourselves.  Caring for this earth and all who inhabit her....without thought or satisfaction of our own needs, volunteering to help those things that need sustenance or protection or caring.  In order to receive love we must become love.

    This is just my own truth I speak here and a very basic overview dearest but I hope my brief explanation helps somewhat.

    And remember one thing, you are Love by the very nature of being human my friend, and it is human 'society' that changes this in us.

    Much love to you Bob.

  • bob reynolds

    the group is good. the message is right. 

  • Debbie

    Thank you for the friendship invite;} have a blessed  Christmas my new friend ! 

  • Debbie

    The cp could be the solar flares that are going on and also causing the norther lights as well though you might try  the tech help on the main page and ask Leila,,  she's or someone else would gladly help you,, I know I was having trouble too ;}  

  • Imani

    Happiest birthday

    from Imani

  • Debbie

    Happy Happy Birthday Bob ;}

  • L. Love

  • bob reynolds

    hey. i'm doing fine. just in a quiet stage for now. waiting to see what happens in the world out there, as well as my world. 

    if the fairies found me, they are quiet about that too. and if they wanna kidnap me, i'll go peaceably. 

    how are you?

  • Zephonith Serpent Woman

  • Zephonith Serpent Woman

    Hi, bob reynolds ~ welcome to my circle of friends!

  • Zephonith Serpent Woman

  • Zephonith Serpent Woman

    Hi, Bob :)

    Just popping by to wish you and yours well ~ and that you all are having a great weekend.

    Blessed be

  • Debbie

    I see it's your birthday ;}

  • satya prakash bagaria

    Wish you are my friend. With Abundance of Peace and Love

  • Zephonith Serpent Woman

  • Minque Paw

  • SunKat

  • SunKat

    Good to see you back Bob!