

Prince George


Profile Information:

Gender, any & all.
Area location: Country with Optional State, Province etc.
Australia Victoria
Why I wish to join The Temple & how I found out about it...
To see if there is anyone else out there like me I guess,
to share my wisdom, to receive the wisdom of others willing to share with me.
It's an exchange.

All days are sacred to me...
Every breath a new opportunity
My wish for this day and all days..
~ Imani


Music Playlist at
About Myself & My Interests...
Imani is a spirit warrior, an artist of her own soul
a co-creator of her own heaven...... a stalker of shadows,

Mystic Angel
Born from light and forged in fire,
Bright shining sword of the Makers.
Free to ride the air currents with the swift dragons
that guarded the ever - shifting universe.
She tumbled from the sky one day and fell to a distant shore,
she stayed for an eternity, lending sword and strength
against unseen shadows who would harm that place,
until one day arrived
when all shifted and restored.
Weary from the battle, but still a shining light,
She was lifted up and free once more,
to soar with dragons great and swift,
her soul at last gave flight.

My Teachers & Influences, What was it about them that influenced me?
My father mentored me in the ways of life, the Cherokee and the Toltec way. Everyone I meet along the way are my teachers.
I thank all who have opressed me , thus giving me oppportunity to commit acts of freedom!

The Fae

She wanders in her forest realm,

The only home she's ever known,

her eyes see past what others see,

the lessons in each leaf and stone

She speaks a language all her own,

speaks it to the wind and tree

and hears the waters' traveling song

with heart that's pure and free.

And when the sun has crossed the sky

and dark enfolds the light,

she waves her hand and.... MAGIC!

The stars light up the night.

Authors and/or Books I appreciate:
Don Miguel Ruiz, Rumi, Pearl Buck, Maya Angelou
I am open to all things inspiring

I think the spirit is the one thing we have to rely on,
It has been handed to us as a live and precious coal,
to keep it alive or throw it away,
Our language, our history and culture is like a big ceremonial fire,
that has been kicked and stomped and scattered...
Out in the darkness, we can see these coals glowing.
But, our generation, whether in tribal government or wherever
we find ourselves, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Seminole,
we are the coal gatherers,
We bring the coals back, assemble them and breathe on them again,
so we can spark a flame around which we may warm ourselves.
(gary whitedeer)

Musicians and/or Music I appreciate:
I like music from all cultures and genres, music is the universal language
Films and/or Film-Makers & Actors I appreciate:
Don't watch TV and I love sci fi

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  • Imani

  • L. Love

    Thank you dearest for stopping by and loving the video!!  Made me want to shake my big old booty!!  lol

    Good having you around these parts Imani....

    Sending much love dearest :)

  • Imani

    wow! the tango brings out the wild in everyone!


    Thanks everyone for the dance last night

    Ii am still breathless!

    a red rose to you all!

    ok, now whose up for next weeks' apache dance?


  • L. Love

    Beautiful video dearest.  Much love and angel hugs :)

  • Imani

    Thanks for the welcome look forward to the group

  • L. Love

    Blessings of the season be yours dearest.....with much love.

  • L. Love

    Sending loving hugs......have a peaceful day honey :)

  • L. Love

  • L. Love

    Love the video!!  Thank you and never will forget dearest Imani.  

    Much love and blessings to you dearest little fairy spirit :)

  • L. Love

    Hope you are feeling better dearest.  Thinking of you and sending you much love and hugs.

  • L. Love

    Glad to hear that dearest Imani.....sending you love and healing thoughts.


  • L. Love

    Hello dearest Imani....just stopping by to wish you a peaceful weekend and happy to hear you are better now.

    Sending much love and (((hugs)))

  • L. Love

  • Imani

    On May 26th, I am hosting a world wide event

    "Ho o pono pono, A Love Chant to Mother Earth"

    It is very simple. Find a place outdoors if you can and if you are not able, then visualize your favourite place in nature. Then repeat the ancient Hawaiian chant

    "I love you, I am sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you"

    We are sending this powerful healing prayer to Earth Mother and all the ones who live upon her, and in the air and the waters, all those who have been harmed by mankind's greed and indifference.

    Please join me if you wish on my Birthday, May 26th, to send your love and healing energy to all living beings.

    Pick any time you wish

    You can sign up on my facebook page if you want to.

    Imani Miller

    Thank you and love from



  • L. Love

    Thank you sweet Imani for visiting and for the beautiful video.  It truly touched my heart!  Hope you have love and laughter in the rest of your week dearest.

    Sending much love and hugs, Lorri :)

  • Imani

    Why yes, Imani, I did lie on your dark coloured clothes,

    They are my favourite

    and still warm from the dryer

    Thank you for asking!

  • L. Love

    Just me skipping through to say hello and send love and hugs your way :)

  • Imani

  • L. Love

    Thank you dearest Imani for the beautiful video and comments.  Love to you honey and have a blessed week.

  • L. Love

    Beautiful video dearest!  Thank you so much :)  Hope all is well with you Imani and have a beautiful day ((((hugs))))

  • L. Love

    Hiya sweet Imani...just me flying through to say hello and hoping you have a new week full of beautiful possibilities :)  Love and (((hugs)))

  • bob reynolds

    thank you. oh! a present. what is it? what is it?  haha

    hope it's a girlfriend. i need one.

  • L. Love

    Hoping all is well with you sweetie.  Hoping you have a beautiful weekend dearest Imani.  Sending love to you :)

  • L. Love

    Hi dearest sister....thank you for stopping by and leaving the beautiful image and video. Hope all is well with you dear Imani...and I love you too ((hugs))

  • L. Love

    Hello sweet Imani...sending love and blessings dearest for a beautiful weekend ((hugs))

  • Imani

  • Imani

    For M

  • Imani

    Little brother,

    We are glad that you came to our village

    we are honoured that we were able to walk with you on part of our journey

    Little brother, I will miss you as your light goes forward

    Your light was bright here

    and my heart is good with you

    walk in beauty

    Imani loves you


  • Imani

    I spent my birthday here and I did the Ho'oponopono

    for the earth. It was a good day.

  • L. Love

    Hello sweetie...stopping by to send love your way.  Hope all is well with you dear Imani.

  • L. Love

    Well I hope you had a grand time honey and its good to have you back with us.  Sending love and big ((((((HUGS)))))

  • L. Love

    Thanks for stopping by sweetheart and always a delight to feel your energy about the Temple.  You have been missed.  Love to you dearest Imani.

  • Imani

    It's that day again!!!

    Sept. 19th,

    Talk Like a Pirates yer bilge rats and swabs!

  • L. Love

    Hello dear Imani....just stopping by to wish you the very best of everything for the coming New Year.  Love and hugs :)

  • satya prakash bagaria

    Wish you are my friend.

  • Imani

    Goodbye Destiny Rae

    May angels attend you and

    the faeries walk beside you always

    Love from Imani


  • Imani

    You always make me smile and lighten my heart

  • Imani

  • Imani

    lol love it~

  • Imani

    I am from the Great Spirit
    I exist as I am,
    Perfect form and wisdom ....
    My essence never touched but protected all this time

    I stood in the mighty waters of the sea today
    and let it flow over me,

    cradeling me in it's power
    and I felt my strength return for I am made from this
    I am made from the stars and the waters...
    the fire of the sun and the shadow of the moon are my DNA

    My being knows...... all the answers are there
    I need no spiritual leaders, no religion, there is no drug
    that will set me free
    I am free,

    I had just forgotten that I was.
    I have no need to search for truth, just let go of lies, empty myself of
    the false dream of the planet and my vessel will fill with truth

    I lift my head to the heavens and sing my heartsong to the universe
    I add my one note to the cosmic symphony and make it complete
    I am nothing and everything, shadow and light
    Joy dwells within me, I have only to let go of the illusions of this world
    and remember who I am



  • satya prakash bagaria

    Wish you are my friend. With Abundance of Peace and Love.

  • Imani

  • Debbie

    I see it's your birthday ;}

  • satya prakash bagaria

    A very Happy Birthday to you. Wish that this year bring to you all the light to torch up the path to self enlightenment. Thanking you. With Abundance of Peace and Love

  • Imani

    No fear
    Head up
    Eyes forward
    Shoulders back
    Only love
    Heart open like a flower
    Spirit free       

  • Imani

    For the Fae!

  • Imani

    Thank you Cian and Pagan

    Your friendships are very special to me

  • Imani

    Blessings of Samhain

  • kyst

    hey sweetie!!  its  good be be back amongst old  friends  ..missed the ole site  great to see you here and thank you  (( :

  • kyst