The Triple Goddess

This is a group to honour the Great Goddess in all of Her many aspects, and by myriad Names, as Maiden, Mother and Crone.

To reconnect with the Divine Feminine - the Goddess archetype and Her three faces, is vitally important in order to restore the essential Balance that humankind has been struggling without for the last couple of thousand years.

The Goddess and Art

It's said that divine creativity has it's wellspring in the Divine Feminine, who is the soul of nature. Creativity begins with an acknowledgement that we are part of nature, as nature is part of us. This knowledge allows the free flow of ideas , and the bringing forth of all that is beautiful within - the marriage of our own deep potential and the active principle which makes that potential well up and overflow into whatever creative expression we choose, whether it be a painting, a drawing, playing a musical instrument or any form of creative writing. It is the union of the Yin and The Yang which has the effect of inhibiting a preoccupation with thought and just letting our actions flow unimpeded from the core of our being. I found a video which I really enjoyed on YouTube and wanted to share with you as it gives a basic idea of how arts and culture begin with the Goddess; just as there wouldn't be much geometry if it weren't for the circle, the word museum without the Muses, or any worthwhile creation without the necessary and vital interplay between both female and male cosmic energies. BB