It has been said before that the Kundalini is "not for everyone"; however, this is anything but truth. As the Kundalini lives within everything living, it is by default something that cannot be denied anyone, and especially not genuine seekers after Truth and Love.

As the Kundalini is universally present, spiritual people have always sought out methods by which to enable and develop it.

There are various schools which offer unique approaches to the subject, which originate in the Orient, as over the years, the suppression of the worship and traditions of our ancestors in the Occident has led to a situation where we have little choice but to fall back on the words of Doreen Valiente; when she says ~ "What seems to be the borrowing from another tradition; is really the re-uniting of many things which all have the same common origin"

This article aims to expose us all to the various ways in which the Kundalini can be awakened once more to allow us to advance through our own abilities more effectively and more enjoyably.

Ask anyone who lives with the Kundalini and they will tell you that things have never been the same since on all levels of being.

My personal experience with Kundalini cannot be put into words ~ I consider everyone to have an individual approach to the raising of the Serpent Goddess within. The discipline of Yoga is one method of awakening and developing the power; and I have found that the ancient art of Bellydancing is another unrecognised method!

We will just post as much relevant information as possible here , so that everyone can do as they will with the tools that have been laid out in front of them.

One thing, though- before excitement sets in, is that one must bear in mind that this is not a quick and easy process.

There are steps one must take in order to fully advance, step by step. The process is all about purifying what can be transmuted into pure spiritual gold; and once committed there can be no turning back!

Please do not try and start at the top. Slow and steady wins the race; and first, there is a whole lot of studying and learning about the Kundalini to be done. The discipline(s) one ultimately chooses to go with, must be fully understood before the process begins. Start slowly and never strain - the secret to Nature is patience. So let's adopt that ethos and begin the process!

All qualified input would be greatly appreciated :), so don't neglect to leave a comment or contribute if you know the incredible joy and love which comes from living with the Holy Serpent Goddess Kundalini and could help others to advance through their own abilities.

Namaste )O(


The seven gates through which Goddess Inanna had to pass in order to reach Her Dark Goddess sister, Queen Ereshkigal, to receive healing are the seven Chakras within our central nervous system.

There are actually many Chakras or points of concentrated energy, throughout the body; and these seven Chakras correspond to the major glands and organs we possess.

By studying and meditating on the Chakras and how they work, we can get an idea of how interconnected everything is within ourselves and within the Natural Universe.

One has to accept that the Great Goddess is the source and origin of all life; and that it is Goddess who is and personifies the Kundalini within and without, before starting off on this incredible voyage of self-mastery and discovery.

"Know Thyself" , is a dictum of the sacred Mystery Traditions, even more so in today's relatively unstable environment, where the needs of the brash outer  Ego are elevated way above the vital need to create a radiant and strong inner Ego - to improve and liberate the Higher Self within, which is the Kundalini.

Let us make a start, then, family :)

Who are we, actually?

The word Kundalini means "coiled up", literally as the dormant serpent that lies at the base of the spinal column -,is.The goal of Kundalini Magick is to awaken and then raise the serpent through every Chakra, from the Root Chakra to the Crown and above; until the time when the power erupts from your Crown in an unforgettable rush of pure Spirit and the real process of attaining Enlightenment begins...

. .

The Kundalini can only enter through each gate, or Chakra, once certain energies have been purified. This involves a holistic approach, and can't be rushed at all.

Just as the doorway to the Labyrinth is guarded by the Maiden, who presents Herself in terrifying form to those who are not yet ready for a genuine spiritual experience, so the Gates are blocked to those who would enter into the hallowed spaces of the Kundalini Goddess with ulterior motives or with a quick solution in mind to their problems. Transparency and integrity are key to advancing in the right time and at the right pace for you!

And remember; there's a serpent living at the roots of every Tree, not only the Huluppu tree - within yours too :)

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Thank you for your comments, Lisa.

The awakening of  Kundalini is only for genuine seekers after Truth.

It can take years or it can take much shorter a time to awaken Kundalini, and it depends on many factors and circumstances which are also unique to the individual seeker.

The Gates to the Seven Hells are guarded well and it is only the really sincere and dedicated individual who can walk on this Path.

The Goddess awaits every one, and this is the only "advice" I can give to my kindred goddess people , to just be yourself and trust completely in the Great Goddess. Nothing can Harm you and the Kundalini is not dangerous - well, lets redefine this concept and place it in perspective. Goddess is protective, and no spirit or being will be able to harm you when protected by the Dangerous Mother. Goddess is even protective and guarding of a person from themselves when they try to do something when they are really not prepared, and will gently remind the seeker to go back and learn some more first, like a mother snake does with the nest of baby serpents as all of the pains and pleasures we experience in this lifetime are not of Goddess, they are of our own making. Ask Goddess to intensify the pleasures though , and just see what happens! . The disrespectful will just receive what they create for themselves, and indeed the Eye of Wadjet shines brightly through even the thickest layers of deceit.

It is only through perseverance and dedicated meditation and pure hard(fun) work that real results can be achieved, over time.. A thorough and proper study of the texts which are freely available nowadays should provide well-meant guidelines and techniques, however again this is the beauty of the Goddess religion, where the Kundalini originates ~ the lack of dogma, only teachings and guidelines. The bird must fly on it's own and leave the nest all on it's own, and when we make a mistake, we are forgiven.

Now, does the process ever end, I wonder...I don't know:).

Namaste and Blessed Be )O(

PS ` Now the Kundalini is an integral part of the Goddess religions of our Ancestors. Medusa's crown is of serpents to indicate the eruption of the Kundalini from the Crown Chakra for this reason.

It is really all in the mind, and, at the base of the super conductor we call the spinal column. Now who can teach another the right or wrong way?

. Kundalini is simple. It is approachable through Will, and if you will, it will happen; and in it,s own time. 

As you quite rightfully say, Lisa ~ now, are women meek and weak enough to actually say no to the full awakening and unleashing of their Goddess-given power, nowadays? Swing high, swing low, sister, and may you advance through your own abilities <3 :))

Thanx for the cheer on...It is a very solitary path to walk mostly...and most definitely filled with highs and lows...I think for me I can be so dedicated I brought it on a little early...although my ego thought I was prepared for  I have had to back off yoga and meditation for periods of time because it comes back up fiercely...though each time I am able to handle it better.  What a challenge in our unconscious society because of the mental health system.  My goal is to arise it and not end up in the nuthouse.  And mostly, though not all places, when I say what it actually is they try to force pharmaceuticals on me...disgusting.  But I did find 2 psychiatrists, one indian, who luckily were both medical directors of their hospitals that let me go as soon as insurance would allow without forcing medications on me...although that was far from the truth with the first incidence.  Blessings on your path as well!!!...Even when prepared and well read on the is a wild and spontaneous ride.  Lady K as I call her is full of surprises that are intense and life-changing like no other...

The Great Serpent Spirit I am personally more familiar with is Dambala, of a male identity, a Sky Father figure associated with Fire from having created it by breathing lightening. He could not create life, however, and of course, without His Wife, the Rainbow, Ada Wedo, whose colors he embraces in his coils in order to generate the regenerative force that is conscious life. It's so much like the Kundalini way of thinking... the creative, initiative energy spiraling around the rainbow that is Our Chakras is just like Dambala-Wedo making love/life.



The Serpent Goddess of Love and Death

Blesses You 



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