What is awakening really?
That is the basic question that we must ask of ourselves.
Do we really want to awaken and what does this mean?
When we dream we navigate through time and space, other dimensions other times, we meet people from the past, the present and the future, we find ourselves in other lands, other forms and anything goes, then we wake up, or so we call it, to the reality of ta third dimensional World limitation.
All the dreams are gone, all those friends and all those Worlds are gone, and we have a limited vision of this so focused one single lifetime!
So who is the dreamer and what is the dream, and what does awakening mean?

But in reality, what could be the meaning of awakening?
Changing from a more expansive space to a more limited one?
Of course, not!
That is not what we would mean by that, it can not be, so would awakening could mean just the opposite?
Going from a limited consciousness to a more expanded one.
According to this late definition, then we awake a bit when we go into a dream state and leave behind all the limitations of the so called awaken state, which it isn't.
And total awakening would be the embracing within our consciousness the whole expanse of All that is and of All that has been created.
Could we ever achieve that state, or just glimpses of it?
I had one of those experiences and it appeared to me that since I was at the center of the Universe, everything was included within me.
But was it really?
How could I know if I had included everything that Is?
Would it not have only meant that I embraced the whole of my being, without even touching any part of the being of others?
Could this be a yes or a no, kind of question, or a may be kind of answer?
I do have a theory that the Universe is a Holographic Universe, and that we are all done with the same mold, thus if I get to know the entirety of myself, at the same time I am knowing the entirety of every one else's Universe, since they are similar to one another.
I have applied this principle many times, and I have always been able to help others by placing myself on their place, as well.
But I would really like to hear opinions on this matter!
Would you please be so kind as to comment on your view both of awakening and my own view of it?

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I went through an awakening in 2009/2010.  It lasted a full year.  I remember everything.  I remember how the universe came to be.  My part in that.  Who I am, what I was before descending.  I remember the multiverse and how it came to be.  I know how infinite is truly infinite.  Etc, etc, etc.  I have not come across a question since that I cannot answer.  To awaken is to truly remember everything beyond what humanity understands.  This 3D existence here on this planet and in the human form is really the dream.  It is the whole of Divinity experiencing itself subjectively.  The purpose of this human reality is just to learn the true meaning of what it is to be because Divinity is cognizant thought and truly everything.  The thought energy of humanity is part of what keeps existence moving.

Thank you, both, Janet and Luminakisharblaze!

It is always so good to get someone else's opinion, and not to rely on your own experience alone!

Which does not imply that we are not capable of knowing it all, because we do, once that we understand that we are All part of the same consciousness, and that the consciousness is the only reality, but it is good to know how others have experienced all of this!

Thanks, again, for sharing!

Really great idea for a discussion Carmen! I was thinking that their are stages of awakening and even "false" awakenings. There is always room for your consciousness to expand. I think once you have your first awakening you realize how much you don't know and that sets the stage for a long process of continual discovery that cannot possible end. From a Hermetic perspective "sleep" and "awake" exist opposite to each other on the spectrum of polarity. So the difference betwen being spirtually alseep and spiritually awake is one of degree. 

Yes, dear Samael, it can happen that way or it can happen all at once, or so it would seem so because perhaps we have been working on it for many lifetimes!

It happened to me at age 22, and then, I went back to sleep, just the memory remained in such a way, that I could not sleep comfortable any more.

So, I was in a semi awake state, but searching for the fullness of it, all over again!

Are you aware of a specific catalyst for this instantaneous mystical experience that occured when you were 22? If it is personal I completely understand, but I'm very curious by nature lol.....should have paid more attention to those Curious George stories as a child I guess hehe 

There is nothing so personal in my life that can not be shared, dear Samael!

I have been sharing everything all over the place.

Yes, I was in Havana, Cuba, traveling, since I am from Camaguey, and getting ready to come back to the USA, that morning I had been in the house of a friend, a thosophist, like my father and he had told me that I had an Angel with me.

That afternoon a flower salesman had given me a gardenia, as a present and had told me "a flower, for another flower", surprising me plesantly.

But that evening I was inspired writing to a friend, trying to help him and teach him some concepts, while I was sharing a room with my sister and another friend and they wanted for me to turn the lights off so that they could go to sleep, thus, as usual when I write, I was channeling, from my inner Self,

and I could not stop the outpouring of ideas, but I turned the light off and sat by the window, to contemplate the sky while I was smelling my gardenia.

The sky seemd to be a real marvel to me, filled with heavenly bodies, and then, all of a sudden, I was part of it, the sky, the entire Universe, my sister and the other girl that were asleep, I was at the center of it All and I was One with All that Is!

Worlds within Worlds spinned by me and I was moving them all, I was holding hands with someone I never saw, but felt, and I was in the center of Creation, and everything was guided by that Consciousness or Inteliigence, within!~

I do not even know how long it lasted, because there was no time involved.

It was the ever present and Eternal Now in that moment and all the moments through which it lasted.

I was floating when I came out of it, and I could not poissibly sleep or do anything else, other than wish that it would have continued forever, but it was a forever moment, within itself.

But then, life resumed, and try as I may, I could not repeat the experience, however, what it did for me was to throw me on an infinite search of wanting to repeat that moment at all costs.

Of course, then I discovered meditation, and ah, so many other things, and I have had that experience repeated many times in my life.  Though, not always the same.

That is how I really, really, learn, whatever I learn.

That is simply fantastic Carmen! You description was passionate and beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing this with me. 

Something to chew on. A comment I heard the other day by Brent Phillips, he said, "There is nobody there." 

Yes, dear Rebercca, this is what I mentioned on the post Mystical Musings, and Soulfish did for me!

Carmen, your words flow like the Tao! 


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