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To be truthful, we are not sure of everything pyramids do.

So the process of what is possible when we look at what we know as possible emerges in our thought patterns!

The earth produces useful electricity, as telluric energy, this is why people discuss cathacodic protection on metal componets, as the telluric current causes electron flow through conductors naturaly occuring in the earth, it is like a battery effect. 

The strongest energy spots on earth are where we find the important physical structures from the past...  As people seem to feel the energy and then build things to connect to the energy nodes and conductors.

Some from the science realm feel the pyramids were to just to burry a dead person,  some from the spiritual realm feel the pyramids primary function was a place to channel ascension energy in a human so they could become a more spiritually expanded person, and the high preists knew the secrets to open, expand, hold tether on a person as they were exposed to the secrets of the cosmos. 

There are also some schools of thought that the kaleph or pharro who ever was the figure head, was not actually the person in control, or who had the last word on matters, and it was the preistly craft who made the important decisions. 

Also note that it sems that certain things in the pyramids, had features that could shut down the energy flow into a human.  There were blocks slid into place that removed the celestial allignment portals, and had copper rods / pins holding them in.  

Spiritual adepts have claim there is an energy feeling at the megalith structures of old that are on the earth, no matter where they are or who built them or when they were built.  Since the megaliths are on almost every continent, it seems they serve a very important purpose, and we grasp to figure this out, or do we just see how it can help us to advance

Love and light

Pyramids generate their own power, by virtue of their sacred geometrical characteristics.

The Pyramids were not constructed to serve as tombs in pre-dynastic times, by the actual builders of the great Pyramids of Giza, rather, as energy generating power-pyramids.

The Pyramids were constructed in such a manner to disprove entirely any outdated theories such as "they were built by the late dynasty Pharoahs, using Hebrew slave labour" and " they were constructed using copper chisels " etc etc.

The basic and undeniable fact is that they were laid out, precisely , according to the Golden Mean Ratio ~ thus, the original builders knew about Phi long, long before Aristotle did. This alone kind of defuses any argument that the current orthodox archaeologists and nationalist interests within Egypt, would care to make to support their fake theories by.

Thanks for the comment, Bruce, I posted this to make others aware of the fact that our history is really not the full picture, and that it is important to question the established views of authority in order to progress.


I quit questioning the established views a while back, I just do not take what they say at face value,  Similar thing we seem to share, as not to accept all that is said or written.  The Ten commandment movie seems to be part of the possible disinformation, on the Hebrews being forced to build the Pyramids under forced labor as slaves... As the Egyptians do not seem to have any written documentation to support this, and the bible does not indicate from what I have read that the Hebrews built the pyramids,  this seems to just be speculation of what scientists and historians believe.

But I would say to look at Coral Castle in South East Florida, I think the builder died in the 1950's...  He claimed to know the secrets of the Egyptians, so we are talking about material alterations to alter the stones for cutting and placement of megalith stones last century, by a 100 pound man without another known person

Love and Light

Bruce, absolutely ~ to be able to discern and compare notes as it were is a vital skill that most seem to have forgotten.Your story about the builder of Coral Castle has definite parallels with the legend of the Dwarf who raised the Pyramid or temple of the Magician by himself, overnight.

Evidently he used sound and frequency vibrations to accomplish the impossible task in such a short time.

Here is something that you may find interesting :)


There are many things claimed as possible by the effects of sound.  Some say the arc of the covenant was a large amplifier for energy or sound, and the walls of Jericho were supposedly dropped or knocked down by sound.  

But from the video there was a point made about the stones described there, that they could not be worked or chipped as their composition had apparently changed...  Some of the ancient texts I have read indicated that materials conduction harmonious sound for sustained periods, seemed to alter in their composition, to when if you just hit the wall of certain Rosicrucian structures, that the wall emanated a peaceful sound, like the mantras spoken or sang there were embedded into the materials.  Like the elements were fundamentally changed. 

But looking at the electronic orbits of things in this realm,  massive holes exist that are classified as voids in materials, and they are still not sure how things hold together on a sub atomic level, they only say that something not yet understood happens in what they consider a massive void, but it is a proportional scale, like the the distance from the earth to the sun and the sizes being comparable for atomic orbits.  The point of this was to share that the energy felt in these atomic spaces, can change the nature of the material

But I never considered a stone like club as a musical instrument capable of bell tone ~ sound production



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